Friday, November 20, 2015

RCMP Complaint Form

Complaint Form

Note: By submitting the Complaint Form, you are authorizing the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP to collect your personal information. This information is being collected solely for purposes related to Part VII of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (RCMP Act).
The Complaint Form along with all other relevant documentation may be forwarded to the RCMP for investigation pursuant to subsection 45.35(3) of the RCMP Act. Accordingly, an RCMP complaint investigator may contact you to provide a statement.
The information is held in personal information bank CRCC PPU 005, and you have a right to access this information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Complainant Information
  213 - 1681 Boundary Ave. 
V9S 5N1
 250 591-3845
  Nanaimo 2014 - 22691
Details of Complaint (complete as much as possible)
Where and when did the incident(s) that led to your complaint happen? Please fill in as much of the information as you know. If you do not know any specific details, you may wish to include details such as landmarks, etc.
Please include:
  • Who was involved
  • What was said and done
  • Any other people who witnessed the incident (including other police officers)
  • If there was any damage or injury
  • If there was something that you feel caused the incident or affected your interaction with the RCMP
Pictures and statement online at

My statement to Glenn Forzley, investigating officer, Nanaimo RCMP, Monday, August 18/2014 with witness Karen Ferguson in attendance.

I was assaulted and injured by what I consider to be a sadistic, 28 year old Nanaimo RCMP officer, Constable Jeremy Coddington of the Nanaimo RCMP, who acting solely alone, invaded my home on Sunday morning with falsehoods and deceptions.

He did so FOOLISHLY on behalf of Shaya Magrath (DOB June 23/77) and Robert Hogan (DOB, May 12, 1969), ex tenants in my property.  File #2014-22691 and this is my sworn witness to the injury and trauma I have endured at the hands of some incompetent and derelict of duty fellow officers.

In my opinion, Coddington enjoyed injuring me by using excessive force against me, Christopher John Slater of Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, an elderly Canadian citizen on Sunday, August 17, 2014,  two days short of my 67th. birthday IN MY HOME!

Pictured are some of my injuries

as a result of being handcuffed and manhandled in my apartment bedroom, forced bodily and very painfully down the hallway of the apartment in which I live, into the elevator and  outside in only my undershorts, without foot gear where I finally got some relief from the EMT Ambulance team outside the apartment building.

All this was witnessed by my estranged wife,
Annamie of 6+ years who was begging the police officer not to hurt me and had tried to call 911 on her cel phone to get me some assistance for the congestive heart failure I'm suffering from Heartfailure.jpgplus the obvious and deliberate use of excessive force on behalf of Coddington.

My problems began when I was fraudulently induced to supposedly rent  to a younger couple, Shaya Magrath (DOB June 23/77) and Robert Hogan (DOB, May 12, 1969)

May 20, 2014 Robert Hogan and Shaya Magrath outside my 5th Wheel, #4 1226 Lawlor Road, Nanaimo, B.C.

 on Government of British Columbia Disability Benefits, my 21' park model R.V. at Southgate Mobile Home Park.

 On this Sunday of my being assaulted by Coddington, I was sitting at my desk, working on obtaining an ORDER of POSSESSION to get these smoking, thieving, drug using and fraudulent vandals out of my only property.

My injuries and ordeal began, according to my logbook, at 10 am with a call from a voice on my telephone who identified itself as Cod...... I explained to the voice I'm almost 67 years old, have poor hearing, have had a number of strokes and a heart attack, so hand writing is difficult for me and PLEASE SLOW DOWN, repeat the name, spell it out for me and give me a file number for the reason for you to be disturbing me at home this Sunday morning. Finally getting the officer to slow down my log book reads Sun. Aug 17/14. 10 AM: Constable Jeremy Coddington, File # 2014 - 2269.Badge # -

The reason for his call was my supposed tenants were alleging MISCHIEF against me (denied - they are trespassers, at best FORMER tenants, WHO DID NOT KEEP their August 7, 2014

 UNDERTAKING to a Peace Officer to vacate by midnight. Please see Nanaimo RCMP File # 2014 - 21438, Constable Nicolas Armstrong investigating)

and were now claiming I had illegally damaged THEIR power source and water supply.

The services are intact, on site and I vehemently denied to the officer having damaged their power source, even though they have damaged the power plug in on the post that I had repaired when I moved into South Gate Mobile Home park in January, 2012. I maintained then and now this whole issue is a CIVIL law matter and NOT one of CRIMINAL LAW.

EVEN before investigating this matter, Coddington continued to play judge and jury by insisting I had damaged theirproperty whereas I insisted I acted to prevent any further damage and vandalism to MY PROPERTY and the PARK property by having a retainer of mine cut off MY copper power cord from the R.V. so they couldn't steal it and removed the water hose before they they could do any further damage to the park sewer or continuing to steal MY water as billed them for May 20 to now, and my having given them a power bill for power STOLEN from me May 20 to June 23 inclusive. I advised the officer I would be happy to meet them in a court of competent jurisdiction on these CIVIL matters.

I hung up and began compiling the next list in my logbook: It reads: Robert and Shayna - _TRESPASS. -
_ SEXUAL HARASSMENT. (as alleged against me by Robert Hogan on Friday, August 15/14
     with witnesses, Karen Ferguson and Darrell Wilson in attendance!)

I phoned back to dispatch to find out what was being done on the previous files in this matter and was again talking w/ Coddington, who advised he wanted to come to my home regarding Magrath and Hogan's complaint against me of MISCHIEF.

I explained to Coddington Sunday is a day of rest for me and I didn't wish to deal with this any further AND I WOULD NOT welcome or PERMIT him to come to my apartment home across from the Nanaimo Hospital at which time he asked if he could call back in 30 seconds as he needed to plug in his cell phone before it died. I agreed and hung up at which time Annamie phoned, we briefly discussed matters for the day and I advised her I was expecting to continue a phone call with a police officer and she would come down from her suite.

About 15 minutes later there was a tapping at my front door, where I have a deadbolt and chain on the door and I peered through the peephole, calling out, "Who is it?" The reply was Const. Coddington Nanaimo Police. I said, "How did you get into the building?" The reply, "another tenant let me in!" I said, "You were informed NOT to come here, you've deceived another tenant into defeating my RIGHT to PRIVACY". As he was standing in the hallway and I didn't wish to disturb my neighbours, I asked him,"If I let you in to discuss this, Please give me your business card and will you leave if I tell you to?" Coddington agreed, but said his cards were in the cruiser and he would get me one later.

I MISTAKENLY let him into MY HOME to discuss the alleged MISCHIEF matter but once inside he continued to insist that what I believe is a civil matter was now a criminal matter.

Annamie had let herself in with the pass key she has and was therefore a WITNESS to all that follows.

Getting nowhere, I asked Coddington to keep his agreement with me and leave, and when he refused to HONOUR our agreement, I angrily repeated for him to get out at which point he got REALLY UGLY and informed me he was putting ME under arrest for MISCHIEF, put my hands behind my back and when he put the cuffs on me so tight they hurt, I had a panic attack, a fainting spell, shortness of breath and needed to lie down on my bed.

Coddington would have NONE of this, At some point I recall him saying something about my rights, but Coddington had decided he would use WHATEVER force he liked against this older, crippled man and he yanked the cuffs behind my back so hard as to injure my left arm and hand.

I screamed in pain and struggled to stand to relieve the pain at which point I begged Annamie to call 911 to get one of Coddington's superior's or help from the ERT.

Coddington wouldn't even let Annamie's 911 call go through, he used his wireless mic to EXPLAIN his point of view, thus DENYING me my rights.

I now believe my right elbow was skinned by my body being DRAGGED bodily across the bedroom carpet. At this point my neck, damaged by degenerative disc disease was re-injured.

I was forced out of my apartment and had to hobble along on my badly injured right knee and osteoarthritis damaged, painful ankles and knees. Throughout this Coddington would use the handcuffs to gain my compliance by further injuring me.

I was at the hospital until 3 pm at which point it was decided I would NOT be booked for "MISCHIEF" as long as I promised not to go back to my property.

Under duress of being injured again in a WRONGFUL ARREST for "unproven" MISCHIEF, I agreed I will not go to damage MY property.

What do I want? A full and complete investigation into my injuries and how my RIGHTS and FREEDOMS have been denied by the NANAIMO RCMP by NOT INVESTIGATING expeditiously my prior complaints (as listed below) against Magrath and Hogan by the RCMP and the vexatious and mischievous actions of supposedly "investigating" their complaints against me. As I sit here I KNOW I have been further injured by the actions of the NANAIMO RCMP and I want redress for my psychological and physical injuries of being DRAGGED from my home, access to which was obtained by misrepresentation and deceptions and further I want access to victims assistance.

Yours truly,
Chris J Slater

Pictures...MORE TO COME!

Monday, August 18, 2014 VERY PAINFUL neck, left arm, ankles and right leg,  couldn't sleep AT ALL!
Friend and SIC Karen drove me to B.C. Access office on Selby Street to get Notice to Vacate of July 7, 2014,  that because Magrath and Hogan did NOT contest with an arbitration, turned into an EVICTION ORDER on August 7, 2014 enforced.

Lunch at the Salvation Army. Saw Rose from Harbourside SDA.

At 2 pm, we met with Sergeant Glenn Forzley, Professional Standards Unit, Nanaimo RCMP. Karen and I were impressed with his pleasant manner and understanding of my complaint,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014  HAPPY 67th Birthday?? Can't sleep, Karen and Annamie are visiting, was planning to take them both to Power House Living Foods: Nanaimo's Raw Food & Vegan  or  Rawmbas - Nanaimo, British Columbia - Live & Raw Food ...  But the pain of my injuries and lack of sleep lead to Annamie and I fighting...However Karen and I saw Tony from SGMHP at ACCESS.
August 20, 2014  7:30 AM I have been using pain killers for the LAST THREE NIGHTS, but even so I can't sleep! This has only increased my ANGER against the Nanaimo RCMP who in my opinion have IGNORED an undertaking, the theft of my e-bike motor, utilities and resulted in Coddington assaulting me...gotta try again to sleep...
Posted 18th August by Chris J. Slater
Labels: Assaulted by Nanaimo RCMP.
1  View comments

    Chris J. SlaterDecember 7, 2014 at 10:43 PM
    December 7, 2014 Trying to come to grips with complicity of and lies of Glen Forzely, Jeremy Coddington and Nick Armstrong as contained in letter from Mark Fisher of Nanaimo RCMP to be posted here shortly!
 Karen Ferguson, Calgary
Annamie Colina, Nanaimo
April Campbell, Nanaimo RE: Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471
Cst. L. M. (Les) Wilch,  RE: Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471  

Corporal Nick Armstrong, Nanaimo RCMP
Constable Jeremy Coddington, Nanaimo RCMP
Glenn Forzley, investigating officer, Nanaimo RCMP
Cst. L. M. (Les) Wilch,  RE: Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471
Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471 refers  Shaya Magrath, emboldened by Cst. Coddingtons mishandling of her PUBLIC MISCHIEF has continued to harass and assault me and because of Cst, Coddington's inability to follow up on MY COMPLAINT I've been denied VICTIM'S ASSISTANCE for her crimes against me that partially resulted in a heart attack on September 14, 2015 that has now confined me to an electric wheelchair.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nanaimo-Info-blog: The Importance Of Employee Probation Periods

Nanaimo-Info-blog: The Importance Of Employee Probation Periods: A Period To Assess Skills and Qualities Before Long Term Commitment It is not uncommon for new employees to be subject to a probationary p...

The Importance Of Employee Probation Periods

A Period To Assess Skills and Qualities Before Long Term Commitment

It is not
uncommon for new employees to be subject to a probationary period of
perhaps three months to see if the new employee will be a good fit for
the organization. This gives employers the opportunity to assess the
skills and qualities the employee possesses without engaging in a long
term commitment, which can be costly.

Sadly, there
seems to be no similar mechanism for those chosen to run the affairs of
perhaps the largest corporation in the City of Nanaimo. Having to engage
the services of a facilitator at a cost of possibly $100,000 should
raise some questions about the skills and qualities being demonstrated
by our elected CEO who has now had nine months to demonstrate an ability
to do the job.

According to the Community Charter:

Responsibilities of mayor


(1) The mayor is the head and chief executive officer of the municipality.

(2) In addition to the mayor's responsibilities as a member of council, the mayor has the following responsibilities:

to provide leadership to the council, including by recommending bylaws,
resolutions and other measures that, in the mayor's opinion, may assist
the peace, order and good government of the municipality;

b) to communicate information to the council;

(c) to preside at council meetings when in attendance;

to provide, on behalf of the council, general direction to municipal
officers respecting implementation of municipal policies, programs and
other directions of the council;

(e) to establish standing committees in accordance with section 141;

(f) to suspend municipal officers and employees in accordance with section 151;

(g) to reflect the will of council and to carry out other duties on behalf of the council;

(h) to carry out other duties assigned under this or any other Act.


This Mayor and
City Council has now had nine months to settle into their roles as
directors, plotting a course to lead Nanaimo into the next decade,
defining some clear goals and guidelines in an effort to see we are
creating a Nanaimo that is affordable and sustainable.

So far all they
have accomplished was to approve a 6% CUPE wage increase which means
that exempt staff will also see a wage increase of the same magnitude
over the same period. They are barely any closer to conducting a Core
Review than they were six months ago and with the way they are
approaching some big budget items, the review may be little more than
another farcical, costly report.

There was a
motion by council they would neither increase nor decrease service
levels until after the Core Review had been complete. The intent of
course is to finally get a handle on the number of tax dollars the
community can actually afford and how those funds should be allocated. A
core review was a common mantra of some members of the previous
council, including the three that used to be referred to as the Three

Now, we have
the Mayor making noises to the effect that perhaps hiring more police,
and building a new firehall and hiring 20 more firefighters may be
possible before completing the core review! Really? That is what he has
been suggesting.

This coming
Monday, staff is trying to put the automated garbage trucks on the fast
track. It being a multi-million dollar decision, which has all the
earmarks of being another hasty decision dealing with our garbage which
led to the current problems we are having with poorly planned split
packer trucks. There are lots of questions that need answering before we
rush headlong into a multi-million dollar decision. If council approves
this purchase before the core review is complete, they might as well
put the core review paper onto cardboard cores and install them in the
city hall bathrooms.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Complaint and Statement to Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471 Re Shaya Magrath and Robert Hogan

STATEMENT to RCMP - GRC, Cst. L. M. (Les) Wilch, General Duty, 303 Prideaux, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3 RE: Nanaimo RCMP file #15-26471

Statement of: Chris J. Slater, 
D.O.B.: August 19, 1947, 
Phone: 250 591-3845 
Residential Address: Confidential to RCMP, Nanaimo

Thursday, September 10, 2015. I received a telephone call from a prospective tenant April Campbell who agreed to pick me up at my rented apartment, drive me out to view my 21 ft, Park Model home at #4 Southgate Mobile Home Park and return  me home after viewing, which she did by picking me up about 4:30 pm.

It's been awhile since I've gone as a recipient, to my favourite charity, the Salvation Army Hope Center in Nanaimo to eat. As we were going south on Terminal Avenue, approaching the Hope Center, I asked April if she had had something to eat and when she replied she was too busy at work, I asked her if she would like to have dinner with me at my "Dinner Club" and went on to explain about how some nights there is "live entertainment / theatre". When April agreed I told her to turn right into the parking lot after the lights on Commercial street, but unfortunately the lot was full so I asked April to pull out of the lot, turn left at the lights on Esplanade and follow to the south, parking in the shade of a building there.

April and I had a very good meal, no problems with the entertainment, I told April as how I ALWAYS take whatever is being offered because there is ALWAYS someone else who can use the food. The desert that night was APPLE PIE. My regular friends and servers, Judy and Cheryl weren't at work that night, I miss their infectious good humour and kindly manner in dealing with people and sometimes very disturbed clients and "performers".

About 5:20 pm (before regular closing time of 5:30) April and I left the Salvation Army exiting to the right and almost immediately there was a commotion from someone I didn't recognize as April was in front of  me, but then I heard a stream of profanities directed at me by someone blocking the sidewalk.

At that time I recognized Shaya Magrath, a former tenant I had to evict from my home at Southgate Mobile Home Park. Then Shaya stopped threatening me and threw a projectile at me with the intent of causing me bodily harm.

Two men came out from the Labour exchange and asked what was going on, they had heard Shaya screaming obscenities at me and saw the projectile (apple pies) that hit their building and lay scattered on their sidewalk, April explained the circumstances and I was asked what they could do to help . Shaya was blocking (unknowingly) our access to April's car, so I told them I was afraid of Shaya and to please call the police. I was told by the manager April and I should wait inside the building as the exchange wouldn't be closing  until 6:00. When the RCMP arrived, was told of the problem, because of my health and not knowing where Shaya had disappeared to, I asked for and received safe conduct to April's car.

I am afraid of this woman because she has REPEATEDLY with the intent to hurt, injure, intimidate, cause me financial loss or damage me and / or my good reputation :

1. Made false accusations against me, that led to my false arrest, detention and assault upon me by an RCMP officer on August 17, 2014.
2. Made false character references that later proved to be untrue / misleading on her Application to Rent.
3. Shaya and her partner, Robert Hogan have lain in wait for me on the day they were supposed to vacate, instead Robert Hogan tried to provoke me into hitting him. 
4. Have repeatedly damaged my home by removing and destroying services and amenities.
5. Have repeatedly damaged SGMHP, which damage I had to reimburse. $226 for Router Rooter; damage main sewer in park, plunge toilet 4X by park manageress, Pat Wilson.
6. Caused problems with me and my neighbours; Connie in Unit 2 who they claimed I had sold them my home and Tony in Unit 5 who complained to me they had drug parties and partied all night, right outside his bedroom windows.
7. I had stored at the property an electric bike that I wanted for my transportation and Shaya had expressed interest in, instead they turned it into junk by stealing the drive hub wheel assembly.
8. Violating their rental agreement by not paying their pet deposit and smoking in the unit.
9. Damaging my bicycle also stored on the property by removing and stealing it's seat.
10. Cutting my replacement locks from the trailer.
11. First time came back after they vacated by crawling through a window they made insecure. They regained possession by stealth.
12. Second time they broke entry door window, put plug in kitchen sink, turned on water, overflowed and flooded my home.
13. Threw my heavy duty building material they illegally used, off the roof, damaging my black berry bushes and causing more water damage. 
14. Cut off all appliance cords plus mini-light set was chopped!
15. Illegally made, against me as the owners wishes, makesift connections to water and electric connections.
16. Damaged, did not maintain smoke detectors in unit.
17. Took down, against my wishes, my interior disability railings.
18. Removed, stole raised disabled toilet seat.
19. Slashed and damaged note center.
20. Bed bug infestation required hiring and paying for dumping mattress.
21. Wrote all over the interior mirrors with crayons, indelible markers "GOOF" 
22. Illegal substance abuse, evidence seen by me and witness Karen Ferguson and attested to by other park residents who are struggling to stay clean.
23. Damages to my personal property and bedding; duvet, sheets pillows and cases.
24. I now know Shaya and Robert are Serial Senior Abusers. When Robert first became my friend on Facebook, I discovered we had one friend in common, Lisa Frykberg. I contacted Lisa and discovered too late; Shaya and Robert's ABUSE of my friend Andrew MacMillan of Saltair. During Andrew's final illness they were stealing Andrews assets, including metals. After Andrew died they went on to abusing Lisa, Andrew's housekeeper and stole her computer. In their application to rent their gave as former landlady, Shirley Foley of Saltair who had died so I wouldn't be able to contact her. Later I was told by Laura Parks also of SGMHP, who was Shirley Foley's girlfriend and was undergoing chemotherapy and they were ABUSING HER until she died. And that is how they became my ONGOING problem.  They have made me and my wife Annamie Colina FEAR for my safety, become depressed and suffer extreme financial hardship.

I do not feel safe on the streets of Nanaimo or places that I used to enjoy and frequent like the Salvation Army whose help I need and appreciate, but now because of Shaya's VIOLENCE, LIES, VANDALISM, FALSE WITNESS and PUBLIC MISCHIEF I'm afraid.

When April and I visited the unit, April told me it was too small for her furniture. And because I have secured the unit by closing all means of access and ventilation, it being a hot day, the unit closed up for at least a month, April observed it would give her a problem with her asthma and probably me a problem with my congestive heart failure. Because of my health and financial situation I've been unable to pay for or personally repair the roof, clean and paint the interior.

I want this woman arrested for assault, creating a public disturbance, public mischief, theft, and her out of control criminal  activities requiring multiple attendance by Nanaimo RCMP.  I feel Shaya has become such a problem, and is obviously off her medications that she should be appreended, incarcerated and evaluated for her own and the public safety.

I'm aware of the "Good Neighbour" policy between the Salvation Army and the surrounding businesses so I want  a "no contact" Order preventing Shaya's attendance at places that I NEED to visit like the Salvation Army.

Further I want VICTIM'S ASSISTANCE for the trauma and as yet unresolved and continuing financial losses I've suffered from these SERIAL SENIOR ABUSERS, Shaya Magrath and Robert Hogan.

This is the statement of Chris J. Slater of (undisclosed) Nanaimo, B.C., Canada email: regarding events preceding and occurring outside the Salvation Army on Thursday

Monday, August 10, 2015


RCMP WATCHDOG, Chris J. Slater: JUSTICE FOR SALE! TOO POOR FOR A CREDIT CARD? PISS...:   I AM INDIGENT DUE TO MS. MANNERIN of B.C. Residential Tenancy who caused me to lose my job and TWICE made me HOMELESS in ...

HELP! I am AFRAID of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police! (R.C.M.P.)

Because they and their superiors no longer KNOW the simple FACTS of what they are tasked to do.

Repeatedly when I've called on them to assist me by protecting me from persons who are breaking CRIMINAL LAW, I've ended up being victimized instead of protected.

On the other hand, when  criminals who are making false and malicious allegations against me, unsubstantiated by FACTS, and it is a CIVIL LAW matter I've ended up being TRAUMATIZED and INJURED by the R.C.M.P.

Simply put most R.C.M.P. and their SUPERIORS ARE UNABLE to discern between CIVIL and CRIMINAL law.

The most recent example of this I intend to sue the officers involved in CIVIL COURT, the Provincial Court of British Columbia (PCBC).


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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Vandalism, Theft, Mischief and Public Mischief by Shaya Magrath and Robert Hogan

Last night, Tuesday, December 9 at 6 pm, when I got home from returning empties and buying some groceries at the Country Grocer on Bowen Road in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, there was a message on my TAD from Pat Wilson, Manager of Southgate Mobile Home Park. I phoned, left a message as there was no answer, and said I would phone again in the morning. I worked through the night, went to bed at 6 am this morning and was woken up by the phone ringing about 11:30 am. It was Pat telling me Shaya and Robert had moved out and left my trailer unlocked and insecure, could I please attend there today, Wednesday 10? My walker was already packed with the plastic garbage bags and new padlocks so I told Pat I would be there as soon as possible. Pat warned me it was a real mess.

Shaya Magrath and Robert Hogan have repeatedly born false witness (lied!) against me to the neighbours, Park Manager and most recently to the Nanaimo, RCMP ever since I foolishly let then move into my 21' park model 5th wheel on May 20, 2014. I took along the MOVE OUT FORMS I had expected to fill out when Shaya and Robert moved out on August 7, 2014 upon expiry of my 30 day notice to vacate FOR CAUSE given July 7 for extaordinary damages to what was formerly my home...

Here are pictures of my ruined home by these vandals.
Will be added later...